Thursday, June 28, 2007

Good and Cheesy (But it's Not Velveeta)

Ok, so two of my "friends" on youtube sent me the same video, the same day. I gave it a watch and found it amusing in the most sick and twisted sort of way... nice fish!
But seriously folks, although this little vid is a cartoon, the content is serious business, and more people should be aware of the questionable ethics of our so-called information providers.

So here's the vid:

And if that left you wanting more information, a while back I went a litte nuts on understanding our media systems here in Canada, and wrote a few long-winded blog posts detailing my findings for the rest of the uninterested world. Maybe if I made a movie about what I learned, someone might care... but for those of you who are still into a good long read, here are the links to those posts:

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Not So Refreshing After All...

To all you pop drinkers out there from all of us over here at the people party, we'd like you to stop what you're doing, 'cause you're about to ruin, that body and that image that you're used to! For real!

Today, we'll give you a bit of information on sodium benzoate and asparatame, only two little ingredients in a large chemical cocktail these big sugar retailers like to call refreshment.

This post was inspired by a friend of ours whom we meet with twice a week at martial arts class. Being that this individual is a minor, and still has time to change his cancer causing ways, we won't mention his name, but he knows who he is... sipping on that "Zero" every day after practice. We're only telling you these things because we love you buddy, no other reason. So watch these vids, and see if you still wanna suck on that can after class.

Still not convinced? Check out these new items that we found on the net

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Operation Mc Kill You

Yes, that's right folks! We've been promising some local action for a long time, and finally, here it is! Released just in time for the summer. And you guessed it, there's plenty more where this came from - it's just all in the works. So yeah, watch the vid and try to keep your jealousy to a dull roar - it's not our fault we're this cool!

Until next time, stir up some of your own trouble and stay tuned to the peopleparty for for fun times, fantastic ideas, and insightful information...

Friday, June 01, 2007

Starbucks: This Ain't No Double-Double... (but it is kind of)

Salutations to all you perusers of web pages and surfers of cyberspace. I was just about to hit up the local Starbucks for my afternoon fix of human contact, when I remembered there are reasons, good reasons, for me to stop supporting this nasty chain of (third world blood sucking -contrived human relationship providing - give me some sugar so I can think)coffee providers!

Gawd. I dunno if I can do it folks - this may be my last chance at physical contact today - someone might actually brush my hand as they pass me my change! Better watch a movie about Ethiopian coffee farmers, maybe that'll help my morality kick in!

Too bad I don't have enough coin for a plane ticket... they seem like my kind of people over there in Ethiopia. Maybe I wouldn't have to dish out three dollars and something just to have a taste of contrived and cultured social interaction in Ethiopia. (3$ and something is what a grande coffee costs, with room for cream and two cinnamon straws on the side...) Mmmmm. Cinnamon staws...

Suddenly I feel very hungry! Maybe it'll help to listen to Alex Jones yap for ten minutes about what we already suspected about Starbucks... Yeah, yeah yeah, call it conspiracy theory if you like, but have you ever checked the mural out in the Starbucks in downtown Vancouver? Next time you walk into your local java joint, why don't you check the corporate art on the walls, and see how smart you feel as you sip on your over-priced latte while those that manipulate you, mock you with their corporate art in the very places you patronize, in the very places that you meet your friends and share intimate moments. While you connect and sip the blood of the third world, you are being mocked for not knowing, for being stupid. Anyone care for a cappucino?

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Symbology of the Elite

The word symbology comes from one of my favourite films, "Boondock Saints", and if you haven't seen the film yet, you might want to.

This video posting is to bring awareness to those that have none; of the symbology of the elite, aka the illuminati. Check it out - the dance track in the background might not be your flavour, but what really is these days? I can't even have an ice cream without getting my colon attacked by large goopy mounds of carageenan! Hell! (Now tell me that isn't a part of their plan... an entire continent of baby boomers afflicted with butt cancer! More on that later, but for now, back to the vid...)

Yeah, it's just kind of intersting for those of us who like to theorize on conspiracy, for those of us who don't refuse to see the truth...

And yes, like I said, we'll be coming at you real soon with some heavily local shit that'll have you wishing you were more like us! But, there are other things to attend to besides this virutal reality. Have you nurtured your REAL human relationships lately? Until next time you cyber dependent anti-social inhuman products of a corporate culture...

Bye for now.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Ghastly Molecule of War Corporatism

I liked this little vid because of the colours and the funny English voice, and of course for many other reasons, but it's a good Saturday flick with a nice colour scheme.

We over here at the peopleparty understand we've been a little lacking when it comes to keeping the posts frequent and current, but there's more to life than virtual reality! We'll be coming at you soon with some interesting, personal, local, creative stuff that'll have you washing your own mess out of your socks! (this means you'll love the new stuff so much that you will literally crap your pants...)

Anyway, enjoy the vid, and we'll be back soon.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What's With the Drug War, Man?

This little vid is quite the expose of the CIA, and their involvement in some highly clandestine activities. Seems like it's not just the dealers who are keeping their eye on the prize...


Monday, April 09, 2007

Lest We Forget...

In 1917 Canadian soldiers fought a battle in Vimy Ridge, on the coast of France, a moment that was to forever mark the nation’s formation. Ninety years later, on this Easter Monday, veterans and diplomats gather to restore a monument to remember the sacrifices of these brave men and women who fought so selflessly to ensure that we, years later, can enjoy the democracy, justice and human rights that our nation has come to exemplify. Along side the stiff salutes, the decorated soldiers, the wreaths, the uniforms and speeches of glory, self-congratulatory expression and mourning, come a reminder that our great cause of fighting the evils abroad has not yet come to an end, as 6 soldiers have just perished in Afghanistan in recent days. These 6 soldiers, all male and all white, in their early 20s are constructed to represent the courageous and honorable fabric that constitutes our nation, as well as a testimony to our willingness to sacrifice our own sons to the service of the values that uphold this proud land.

As the CBC’s syndication of these momentous events in France comes to a conclusion, we are taken to Halifax where foreign affairs minister Peter McKay speaks of commemorating the sacrifice of others, including those who were recently killed in Afghanistan who come “to do good” when “those in need call.” The ghostly white faces of those crippled in service and wrinkled with the hands of time peer out behind him, their red poppies bleeding on their blazers and military jackets. What a great fucking national gesture to celebrate those who truly exemplify the ideals of our free nation. Unfortunately, however, upon further investigation, it appears that there are a few things that have eluded our national memories on this early April remembrance day party…

What exactly do such events of national/international remembering do for a country like Canada, besides the novelty of being able to rock poppies in the spring? When we acknowledge the First World War battle of Vimy Ridge as the moment in which Canada became a nation in its own right, what are we truly saying? First of all, such a notion challenges the ability with which we can declare ourselves as a peaceful nation. How is it not hypocritical that a nation that prides itself with its commitment to peace, can only come into being with the exercise of state-sponsored violence? Moreover, the fact that Canada understands itself as a “peacekeeping nation” that as McKay claims, heroically comes to the need of those imperiled countries abroad becomes highly problematic once we look into what Canada’s military truly does around the world. Let’s just take Somalia as an example; in the early 1990s, Canadian peacekeepers landed in Somalia under a UN mandate to provide peace and security outside the nation’s capital. During their short stay they engaged in a number of racist violent acts. Commonly referred to as “Operation Snatch Niggers,” the soldiers from various ranks condoned the use of violence and torture on a regular basis. Poor, unarmed civilians who veered too close to the perimeter of the base were shot at in close range. Moreover, the soldiers would plant bait in the form of food and water near the base in order to trap civilians, one of whom was Arone Shidane, a 16 year old Somali teen that was tortured and beaten to death by Canadian troops [see Sherene Razack’s book “Dark Threats and White Knights” to read more about this]. This is not a one off incident, as similar human rights abuses against civilians by Canadian Soldiers were found in Bosnia, Kuwait, and Haiti, just to name a few.


The glorified ceremonious gestures of remembrance seek to forget such violence and instead construct Canada, and Canadians as a nation of benevolent, kind hearted, peace-loving people that selflessly give their lives for causes of goodness. Moreover, it hides the immense injustices at home that perpetually pervade our everyday experiences. The reason why acts of violence can be so constantly exercised by Canadian soldiers upon the bodies of Third World peoples abroad is because of the ideology of racism and white supremacy that flourish at home. One manifestation of this ideology can be seen in the very celebration of Vimy Ridge itself, as the battle that gave birth to the nation of Canada. This selective remembering seeks to erase the violent reality that actually fostered the nation-building process. The fact that Canada was founded upon the genocidal murder, rape, mutilation and capture of thousands of original inhabitants, only to be followed by their mandatory segregation and internment through the residential school system, reservation projects and criminal incarceration, is something that is conveniently extracted from the national narrative. In the forgetting of this history, Canada becomes imagined as a nation of white inhabitants who magnanimously not only let in Third World immigrants to baby-sit their children, drive their taxis and scrub their toilets, but also fly to far away lands to fight their battles for them.

The restoration of the monument in Vimy Ridge, therefore, does more than remember the fallen soldiers of the past. As said by Stephen Harper himself, every nation has a creation story to tell and the battle of Vimy Ridge is central to how we know ourselves as Canadians. It is unfortunately also how we also forget ourselves as Canadians, and consequently reinforce the very ideals that we claim to stand against. As we continue to wage wars in faraway lands, I think it is important that we deconstruct the meanings behind each national gesture lest we forget the suffering and violence that truly keep Canada the “free and democratic” nation it is today.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Thursday, March 15, 2007


This is a clip from the television "reality" show Trading Spouses. In this particular clip Margaret is coming home from spending a week with her new temporary spouse. I guess it should be said that the other family in this televised experiment is black(African American).

Margaret, the main character, is severely distressed. Maybe its because of her temporary spouse who was depicted as generally unkind to her. However, i don't think this was the root of her angst. Margaret, although polite, seemed extremely uncomfortable with the adventure outside of her comfort zone/home. I think the swap was uncomfortable because of mutual bigotry and a difference in lifestyle and beliefs. Maybe i'm wrong. Why can't people just get along?

Is she delusional or is she really a warrior of god fighting ungodly "darksided" people? Is she ignorant or enlightened? Is her reaction to the relatively benign experience she had a result of peoples ideologies, dogmas, and fears? Why are these differences so unacceptable to her? Could her religion cause fear and intolerance? Could a religion stop someone from the mental and emotional evolution that usually comes with the acceptance of differences? Can differences be enlightening when they are explored with accepting open-minds? Could it be that differences aren't explored because of overriding dogmas? Can dogma make people perceive relatively insignificant difference as abomination that needs to be destroyed? Do overriding dogmas cause fear and consequent divisions? Finally, why is margaret religious? If we can answer the above questions maybe we can determine where Margaret's torment come from?

For some reason I doubt the gastric bypass she was granted is going to help Margaret. However, it may give her a false sense of self control for awhile. I have full empathy for the people who can't control their appetite, but their lack of control is not because their stomach is to big. I thnk margaret is barking up the wrong tree.

The Real is Really Unreal?

Just a little video that calls into question the roll of religion in the world. It suggests that through the ages gods have been accepted as truth with the promoted belief in the virtue and sanctity of faith. Furthermore, it implies that religions(institutionalized beliefs) are constructs of man that can be usurped or precipitated, embellished and changed as seen necessary by the disproportionately privileged (ultra-elite) to maintain social order and build empire. Moreover, it causes one to think that modern gods are simply the most familiar face and disposition (human) imposed on the realm of the unknown and unexplained for arrogant egotistical reasons. It also suggests that some gods were made by man in the image of man for the sake of men rather than man being made by god in the image of god for the sake of god. Could it be the ultimate tool crafted and maintained(maybe stumbled upon) by ruling conspirators to manufacture and pray on humanities biggest insecurities in order to create a state of universal stratification and the consequent artificial chaos that follows? Is this artificial chaos then governed and controlled by the same enlightened rulers for the supposed benefit of the people by appropriately appointed, obediently conservative agents? Indeed, a mass conspiracy without merit or the cap stone of a pyramid called realism?
Maybe, authority coupled with faith is the root of humanities anguish and stagnation. Couldn’t faith be interpreted as “the firm belief in something for which you have no proof”? Moreover, couldn’t indoctrination be a way of building and maintaining empires by populating it with unquestioning, fearful, dutiful servants? Nietzsche once said that faith means not wanting to know. Faith is 'don't let those pesky facts get in the way of our political plan or our mystically ordained path to heaven'. Indoctrination could easily be seen as the quintessential form of manipulation, control, and deceit. Who is indoctrinating us: a God or people in positions of authority? Who is really governing us: God or people in positions of authority? I guess your answer depends on the extent of your faith. The good thing about answering questions with the guidance of religion is it always seems to provoke a considerably more palatable answer. An answer that doesn't evoke change.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Ted Haggard's Confession

We thought we'd take a little break from the science of pharmaceuticals and get a little religious on you for a minute. We first met Mr. Haggard, (the star of this little vid) when he was interviewed by Richard Dawkins in his most stellar documentary, "The Root of All Evil". (This, by the way, is definitely a flick you need to check out!) Needless to say, Mr. Haggard has always professed to be "a man of God", and it just makes us giggle to watch him in his SUV as he explains his most ungodly actions...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Sloth: Perfectra

For those of you without a sense of humor, please find a new blog to visit for today. This little vid we found to be quite funny, and we all need to laugh now and again, so enjoy this flick!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Cartoon Spoof On Drug Company Propaganda

Okay, okay, so we slacked a little last week! We didn't quite finish posting all the tantalizing videos we've rounded up on pharmaceuticals for you, so here's another one on the same topic before we wrap it up. This video is slightly comical, but it's a great way to start a Monday on a not too serious note. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Cows With Guns

Our weekend over here was great, so we thought we'd share the love, fun, and music with you, our viewers and readers. Hope you had a great weekend, and please enjoy this most amazing little vid. See you again on Monday...

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Money Talks: Profits Before Patient Safety

No one ever talks about the havoc that these corporate drug dealers cause! Well, until now anyway. This little vid is a bit about the profession of pill pushers here in North America, where there is about one pharamaceutical representative for every four doctors in the country.

We need to understand, that this is more than health care, this is profiteering. When large profits are involved, as is always the case, the consumer, the patient, is not the primary concern, the profits are.

Four Year Old Girl Dies From Overdose of Prescribed Antipsychotic Medication

This story was in the news a while back, and it just serves to illustrate the lack of cognition that seems to be occuring among certain medical professionals and their conspirators in Big Pharma. How can we as a society be ok with stuff like this??

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Drugging of Our Children

This little flick looks at the prevalence rates of childhood pill popping in relation to kids' inability to conform in school. Our society likes to create unnatural settings in which to "educate" children, and then sedate the same children they are "teaching" when those children don't conform to the rather restrictive standards in these unnatural environments. Maybe insead of trying to medicate our children to "work" with the current system of education, maybe the educational institution and our paradigm on education itself is what needs to change. The purpose of education and it's institutions is to serve humanity, not to force humanity to change itself in order to conform to the institution.

Monday, February 26, 2007

The Truth About Antidepressants

This week on the blog, we're focusing in on pharmaceuticals. These corporations are some of the biggest profiteers on the planet, and because of this, the truth about their products isn't always easy to come by. Once again, our trust of these companies and our belief in the "cures" they proffer only serves to illustrate our subservience to authority, and our inability to think critically for ourselves. Stay tuned this week for more vids on these sinister pill pushers...

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Norweigan Wood on Sunday

We kinda felt that today wasn't much a day for thinking. Today we're busy feeling and doing, and what a better way to inspire others to do the same, than to throw a little Victor Wooten at you? Hope you enjoy your Sunday afternoon...

Saturday, February 24, 2007

This Kid Sewed My Tracksuit?

Most of us here in the Western world seldom stop to think about where the things that we purchase come from. Who are the craftspeople behind our merchandise? When you think about kids like this, making our clothing, somehow it just doesn't seem cool anymore.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Genetic Engineering On Children?

Yes, well, once again we're posting something that originally appeared on television on a program that we pretty much reject. Regardless, I thought it was a little bit interesting, so I'm posting it.

Hmmm... and as a side note, there might be some of you out there trying to view our blog using "safari" as your browser... for some reason, this is not sufficient. Try switching to "firefox" if you're having trouble seeing all the postings, and that should do the trick.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Communist Manifesto Illustrated by Cartoons

This is interesting and insightful... once again, cartoons have a way of allowing us to process information which we otherwise might not consider.

And as a side note to the watchers of this blog, please understand that we're hard at work on some original productions over here, and we'll release them as soon as possible. In the meantime, keep your eyes and ears on thepeopleparty for all your ignorance killing needs!

Enjoy the cartoon...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Environmental Toxins

I know, I know, this clip comes from FOX news, but it's a good introduction to the things that are actually floating all around out there!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Noam Chomsky on Human Destiny

This man has written a lot of good books, and given a lot of good speeches. This is just a short one that really illustrates the challenges facing humanity in today's modern world. If you like this video, check out his book "Imperial Ambitions"- it's a good read...

Friday, February 16, 2007

Backwards Hamburger

Cartoons are an excellent way to communicate possibly inflamatory ideas to people who otherwise might not appreciate such a different opinion. Stay tuned to the blog... we've got a few more toons coming up in the future...

Thursday, February 15, 2007


This is another short flick about the things that are happening to our food supply without our awareness.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Spy Chips: Electronic Surveillance That is Happening NOW

It's rather obvious that corporations like to keep a lot of secrets from consumers, and this is just another one, that just happened to get out. I've been trying to explain these things to my friends for a long time now, so hopefully this video will help them to understand this fact a little bit more. Creepy...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Child Labour and Your Clothing

This is a video about a girl who sews Hanes products. In the film, she is interviewed and asked questions about working conditions in her factory. Many of us would rather ignore the fact that a child on the other side of the world pays the hard price for our good life, our easy deals at Walmart and Zellers, but this is the case.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Genetically Modified Foods...

This is an older video from a CBC newscast that explores the idea of GMO foods, and our awareness of them. Canada's relationship with these corporate seed giants such as Monsanto and Syngenta is rather close, and these companies have insinuated themselves not only in our farms, and on our kitchen tables, but also in our schools. Currently they use their profits to fund research at some of our most prestigious universities, including UBC.

If this little news bit is not enough information for you, get a hold of the film, "The Future of Food", and independent flick which is a must see for anyone concerned with what they're putting in their mouths.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

What Iraqis Think About Americans...

As a Canadian, I wonder what Afghani people would have to say about us?

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Obesity P.S.A

This is absolutely hilarious, and kudos to the obese man who helped in the making of this film...

And this is not to say that we endorse smoking - we don't - but it's definitely not the only serious social ailment that affects our society, as this little short helps to illustrate..

Friday, February 09, 2007

America: From Freedom to Fascism

We haven't added any new videos lately, but here's a good one if you have an hour or so. The subject matter is more applicable to Americans, but it can be appreciated and understood by all of us here in North America who are forced to pay taxes.
