Thursday, March 15, 2007


This is a clip from the television "reality" show Trading Spouses. In this particular clip Margaret is coming home from spending a week with her new temporary spouse. I guess it should be said that the other family in this televised experiment is black(African American).

Margaret, the main character, is severely distressed. Maybe its because of her temporary spouse who was depicted as generally unkind to her. However, i don't think this was the root of her angst. Margaret, although polite, seemed extremely uncomfortable with the adventure outside of her comfort zone/home. I think the swap was uncomfortable because of mutual bigotry and a difference in lifestyle and beliefs. Maybe i'm wrong. Why can't people just get along?

Is she delusional or is she really a warrior of god fighting ungodly "darksided" people? Is she ignorant or enlightened? Is her reaction to the relatively benign experience she had a result of peoples ideologies, dogmas, and fears? Why are these differences so unacceptable to her? Could her religion cause fear and intolerance? Could a religion stop someone from the mental and emotional evolution that usually comes with the acceptance of differences? Can differences be enlightening when they are explored with accepting open-minds? Could it be that differences aren't explored because of overriding dogmas? Can dogma make people perceive relatively insignificant difference as abomination that needs to be destroyed? Do overriding dogmas cause fear and consequent divisions? Finally, why is margaret religious? If we can answer the above questions maybe we can determine where Margaret's torment come from?

For some reason I doubt the gastric bypass she was granted is going to help Margaret. However, it may give her a false sense of self control for awhile. I have full empathy for the people who can't control their appetite, but their lack of control is not because their stomach is to big. I thnk margaret is barking up the wrong tree.

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