Thursday, June 28, 2007

Good and Cheesy (But it's Not Velveeta)

Ok, so two of my "friends" on youtube sent me the same video, the same day. I gave it a watch and found it amusing in the most sick and twisted sort of way... nice fish!
But seriously folks, although this little vid is a cartoon, the content is serious business, and more people should be aware of the questionable ethics of our so-called information providers.

So here's the vid:

And if that left you wanting more information, a while back I went a litte nuts on understanding our media systems here in Canada, and wrote a few long-winded blog posts detailing my findings for the rest of the uninterested world. Maybe if I made a movie about what I learned, someone might care... but for those of you who are still into a good long read, here are the links to those posts:

1 comment:

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