Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Thursday, March 15, 2007


This is a clip from the television "reality" show Trading Spouses. In this particular clip Margaret is coming home from spending a week with her new temporary spouse. I guess it should be said that the other family in this televised experiment is black(African American).

Margaret, the main character, is severely distressed. Maybe its because of her temporary spouse who was depicted as generally unkind to her. However, i don't think this was the root of her angst. Margaret, although polite, seemed extremely uncomfortable with the adventure outside of her comfort zone/home. I think the swap was uncomfortable because of mutual bigotry and a difference in lifestyle and beliefs. Maybe i'm wrong. Why can't people just get along?

Is she delusional or is she really a warrior of god fighting ungodly "darksided" people? Is she ignorant or enlightened? Is her reaction to the relatively benign experience she had a result of peoples ideologies, dogmas, and fears? Why are these differences so unacceptable to her? Could her religion cause fear and intolerance? Could a religion stop someone from the mental and emotional evolution that usually comes with the acceptance of differences? Can differences be enlightening when they are explored with accepting open-minds? Could it be that differences aren't explored because of overriding dogmas? Can dogma make people perceive relatively insignificant difference as abomination that needs to be destroyed? Do overriding dogmas cause fear and consequent divisions? Finally, why is margaret religious? If we can answer the above questions maybe we can determine where Margaret's torment come from?

For some reason I doubt the gastric bypass she was granted is going to help Margaret. However, it may give her a false sense of self control for awhile. I have full empathy for the people who can't control their appetite, but their lack of control is not because their stomach is to big. I thnk margaret is barking up the wrong tree.

The Real is Really Unreal?

Just a little video that calls into question the roll of religion in the world. It suggests that through the ages gods have been accepted as truth with the promoted belief in the virtue and sanctity of faith. Furthermore, it implies that religions(institutionalized beliefs) are constructs of man that can be usurped or precipitated, embellished and changed as seen necessary by the disproportionately privileged (ultra-elite) to maintain social order and build empire. Moreover, it causes one to think that modern gods are simply the most familiar face and disposition (human) imposed on the realm of the unknown and unexplained for arrogant egotistical reasons. It also suggests that some gods were made by man in the image of man for the sake of men rather than man being made by god in the image of god for the sake of god. Could it be the ultimate tool crafted and maintained(maybe stumbled upon) by ruling conspirators to manufacture and pray on humanities biggest insecurities in order to create a state of universal stratification and the consequent artificial chaos that follows? Is this artificial chaos then governed and controlled by the same enlightened rulers for the supposed benefit of the people by appropriately appointed, obediently conservative agents? Indeed, a mass conspiracy without merit or the cap stone of a pyramid called realism?
Maybe, authority coupled with faith is the root of humanities anguish and stagnation. Couldn’t faith be interpreted as “the firm belief in something for which you have no proof”? Moreover, couldn’t indoctrination be a way of building and maintaining empires by populating it with unquestioning, fearful, dutiful servants? Nietzsche once said that faith means not wanting to know. Faith is 'don't let those pesky facts get in the way of our political plan or our mystically ordained path to heaven'. Indoctrination could easily be seen as the quintessential form of manipulation, control, and deceit. Who is indoctrinating us: a God or people in positions of authority? Who is really governing us: God or people in positions of authority? I guess your answer depends on the extent of your faith. The good thing about answering questions with the guidance of religion is it always seems to provoke a considerably more palatable answer. An answer that doesn't evoke change.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Ted Haggard's Confession

We thought we'd take a little break from the science of pharmaceuticals and get a little religious on you for a minute. We first met Mr. Haggard, (the star of this little vid) when he was interviewed by Richard Dawkins in his most stellar documentary, "The Root of All Evil". (This, by the way, is definitely a flick you need to check out!) Needless to say, Mr. Haggard has always professed to be "a man of God", and it just makes us giggle to watch him in his SUV as he explains his most ungodly actions...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Sloth: Perfectra

For those of you without a sense of humor, please find a new blog to visit for today. This little vid we found to be quite funny, and we all need to laugh now and again, so enjoy this flick!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Cartoon Spoof On Drug Company Propaganda

Okay, okay, so we slacked a little last week! We didn't quite finish posting all the tantalizing videos we've rounded up on pharmaceuticals for you, so here's another one on the same topic before we wrap it up. This video is slightly comical, but it's a great way to start a Monday on a not too serious note. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Cows With Guns

Our weekend over here was great, so we thought we'd share the love, fun, and music with you, our viewers and readers. Hope you had a great weekend, and please enjoy this most amazing little vid. See you again on Monday...

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Money Talks: Profits Before Patient Safety

No one ever talks about the havoc that these corporate drug dealers cause! Well, until now anyway. This little vid is a bit about the profession of pill pushers here in North America, where there is about one pharamaceutical representative for every four doctors in the country.

We need to understand, that this is more than health care, this is profiteering. When large profits are involved, as is always the case, the consumer, the patient, is not the primary concern, the profits are.

Four Year Old Girl Dies From Overdose of Prescribed Antipsychotic Medication

This story was in the news a while back, and it just serves to illustrate the lack of cognition that seems to be occuring among certain medical professionals and their conspirators in Big Pharma. How can we as a society be ok with stuff like this??