Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Dick and His Tricks: Mass Ignorance Manufactured for the US to Create Fear and Encourage Hate

Who is Dick Lamm? He’s the former Governor of Colorado, who currently holds a position at University of Denver’s Institute for Public Policy - he’s the head of that department. He recently spoke out at a conference called “Defend Colorado Now”, which served to spread the word about “defending America” from this current onslaught of illegal immigrants. Lamm and his supporters seek to bar “illegal immigrants” from using services funded by the American taxpayer.

For his full speech, see this blog entry: http://www.thecitizen.com/node/5785

Apparently, Dick Lamm thinks that words like “racism” and “xenophobe” halt all important discussions and debate regarding immigration policy. That is, I suppose if you’d like to discuss and promote racist policies or a hatred of foreigners. He believes that a stress on diversity is obviously a road to national demise. He believes in a “culture of victimology” among minorities, a “culture” that’s unwarranted and false, that is supported by the funding of “large foundations”. Dick wants us to understand that we Americans are adversely affected by “the cumulative impact of millions of [immigrants]”.

Who is Dick Lamm? Dick is one of the many voice boxes of the ruling class - the political and economic elite. In order to undermine the solidarity of the working people, those in power seek to create superficial divisions among the working class - it’s best to have them fight amongst themselves over these “social problems”, rather than identifying the real cause of their strife, which would be the methods and desires of the ruling class.

Dick Lamm is an example of elite propaganda proliferation, and the blogger who wrote this article is an example of how beautifully this system of internal mind control works. Completely suceptible to the assertions made by Mr. Lamm, “eodnnaenaj1” has explicitly demonstrated how ignorant some Americans can be. No one can blame the blogger for his or her erroneous views, we can only blame a system which works to proliferate ignorance and derisive views. This unfortunate blogger might be the poster child for American ignorance - proof positive of the American proaganda system at work.

“eodnnaenaj1”, after reflected upon the speech made by the former governor, demonstrates his or her ethnocentricity and lack of complete knowledge by referring to external ways of life and cultures as “barbaric”. The blogger asserts that “over 100 languages are ripping at the foundation of our educational system and national cohesiveness”. Last time I checked, the American educational system wasn’t anything to be desired. Furthermore, the presence of multiple languages among people of a given geographical area can only make communication, learning, and understanding more pervasive and widespread. The most amusing part of “eodnnaenaj1”’s response to the unfounded fear that Dick Lamm instilled in his listeners is his or her allusion to George Orwell’s book, “1984”. I think you need to read that book again “eodnnaenaj1”, to truly understand the concepts.

The blogger sees the condition of the “true American” people being adversely affected by the scourge of immigrants that come flooding into the nation in droves. He or she sees them as a threat to “the American Dream”.

The Untold Truth:

What American dream?? Dreams are illusions, and so is this picture of “national security” that the elite have been so busy constructing. In order to assist this blogger, and others like him or her who remain deluded in the shadow of sharp talkers like Lamm,
we here propose a short series of truths:

1) North America needs minorities, particularly minorities who are uneducated and linguistically isolated, in order to keep the economy running. If it weren’t for the immigrants and ignorant minorities, who would clean the toilets? Serve the burgers? Drive the taxis? Run the convenience stores? Who would take care of the children for less than minimum wage? Who would clean the suburban houses? Who would change your car tires? If these people were a little more educated, and a little less isolated, this sort of “slavery” would be impossible. They might want good jobs and pursue higher education, and we can’t have that, can we? There can only be so many doctors, lawyers, and other high income earners in this country. Not everyone can have it all.

“True” Americans don’t have enough babies to keep up with the demands of the economy in North America. There aren’t enough pink little babies born in the nation each year to have “true” American toilet scrubbers and “true” American poverty. We as a nation need to outsource the lowest economic bracket of the population, because none of us here want to fill that void. Any capitalist will tell you that an oppressed, ignorant, powerless, and often indebted underclass is precisely what’s needed to keep this system chugging along. The “American dream” relies upon the subordination of lower classes. (Read some Noam Chomsky, some David Hume, maybe even some Walter Lippman, so you can understand why America allows and does not discourage immigrants from coming into the country).

2) Economic growth cannot be sustained without population growth. If Americans want a growing economy, that population has to come from somewhere. If Americans want population growth to cease, they are also asking for economic growth to cease. Based on America’s gross overconsumption habits, coupled with the massive debt and perpetual war, unless all Americans all want to starve to death, they had better keep that population growth chugging along.

3) In a nation that encourages conformity, assimiliation, and focuses on similarities, not differences, the individual is lost - America was founded on the rights of the individual. In a country that perpetuates negative stereotypes about visible minorities, in a country that keeps visible minorities under glass ceilings, in a country that uses brute force to inflict it’s will and ideologies on helpless independent nations, the only logical response would be to assert one’s independence and difference from that sort of status quo.

4) There is no left or right, no democrats or republicans. There is no black or white. There is no Hispanic or Caucasian. There are only two things that exist here in North America - people and profits. Conflict is designed by the ruling class in order to keep that distinction obscure. If the elites can keep the people fighting amongst themselves, the people are completely ignorant to the fact that elite profit is their only true enemy. Corporate greed and corporate profits are the threat to national security, the threat to “the American Dream” and essentially the one major threat to human existence. It’s corporate greed that’s responsible for American job loss, it’s corporate greed that creates a need for an exploitable labour force, it’s corporate greed that creates disparity and class struggles.

So keep listening to Dick, and fight right alongside with him, if your goal is to destroy your world as you know it. If your goal is to propagate hate, misinformation, and destruction, keep on writing “eodnnaenaj1”. There are plenty of us impoverished, working-class world citizens that are holding our breath, waiting for America’s illusion to finally burst.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

You need think about it. Despite the emails, the overwhelming evidence showing global warming is happening hasn't changed.
"The e-mails do nothing to undermine the very strong scientific consensus . . . that tells us the Earth is warming, that warming is largely a result of human activity," Jane Lubchenco, who heads the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, told a House committee. She said that the e-mails don't cover data from NOAA and NASA, whose independent climate records show dramatic warming.

Anonymous said...

What you think about news - GOPers Hold 'Prayercast' to Ask God to Stop Health Reform ?
Wanna hear your opinion

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.