Thursday, January 22, 2009

We're Back!!

Hello all you loyal peopleparty fans! We've been away from the virtual world for some time now, knee deep in the real one... from bush whacking to job hunting, we've been beatin' the streets and drifting off the beaten path...

We have LOTS of stories and stuff in the works for all of you. For real.

But before we launch into another great year, I personally need to get a job... I'm completely jobless and broke right now. Sucks. What really sucks is that there are some real idiots out there who want to prey on people like me (and YOU), all desperate and looking for work, wondering how we're going to feed the kids...

There are fraudsters out there posing as employers, and a lot of people are becoming vicitms. I almost became one myself! But thanks to my new friends (you know who you are you awesome bunch of people!), we've managed to rid our city of one of these predators! Thanks also to Global news for actually coming out, and to the Vancouver Police Department for the backup...
Props to ya. (And that means ALOT coming from us....)

And if any of you out there want to employ me or my super awesome highly cool new friends, drop us a line, here or on the YouTube channel!

So now click on the vid below and see exactly how we handled this hustler. (This is some reality TV people, for real).

And for those of you that have dealth with this guy and given him either money or your info, you need to contact VPD non-emergency at 604-717-3321. Or report the crime online at