Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Drugging of Our Children

This little flick looks at the prevalence rates of childhood pill popping in relation to kids' inability to conform in school. Our society likes to create unnatural settings in which to "educate" children, and then sedate the same children they are "teaching" when those children don't conform to the rather restrictive standards in these unnatural environments. Maybe insead of trying to medicate our children to "work" with the current system of education, maybe the educational institution and our paradigm on education itself is what needs to change. The purpose of education and it's institutions is to serve humanity, not to force humanity to change itself in order to conform to the institution.

Monday, February 26, 2007

The Truth About Antidepressants

This week on the blog, we're focusing in on pharmaceuticals. These corporations are some of the biggest profiteers on the planet, and because of this, the truth about their products isn't always easy to come by. Once again, our trust of these companies and our belief in the "cures" they proffer only serves to illustrate our subservience to authority, and our inability to think critically for ourselves. Stay tuned this week for more vids on these sinister pill pushers...

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Norweigan Wood on Sunday

We kinda felt that today wasn't much a day for thinking. Today we're busy feeling and doing, and what a better way to inspire others to do the same, than to throw a little Victor Wooten at you? Hope you enjoy your Sunday afternoon...

Saturday, February 24, 2007

This Kid Sewed My Tracksuit?

Most of us here in the Western world seldom stop to think about where the things that we purchase come from. Who are the craftspeople behind our merchandise? When you think about kids like this, making our clothing, somehow it just doesn't seem cool anymore.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Genetic Engineering On Children?

Yes, well, once again we're posting something that originally appeared on television on a program that we pretty much reject. Regardless, I thought it was a little bit interesting, so I'm posting it.

Hmmm... and as a side note, there might be some of you out there trying to view our blog using "safari" as your browser... for some reason, this is not sufficient. Try switching to "firefox" if you're having trouble seeing all the postings, and that should do the trick.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Communist Manifesto Illustrated by Cartoons

This is interesting and insightful... once again, cartoons have a way of allowing us to process information which we otherwise might not consider.

And as a side note to the watchers of this blog, please understand that we're hard at work on some original productions over here, and we'll release them as soon as possible. In the meantime, keep your eyes and ears on thepeopleparty for all your ignorance killing needs!

Enjoy the cartoon...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Environmental Toxins

I know, I know, this clip comes from FOX news, but it's a good introduction to the things that are actually floating all around out there!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Noam Chomsky on Human Destiny

This man has written a lot of good books, and given a lot of good speeches. This is just a short one that really illustrates the challenges facing humanity in today's modern world. If you like this video, check out his book "Imperial Ambitions"- it's a good read...

Friday, February 16, 2007

Backwards Hamburger

Cartoons are an excellent way to communicate possibly inflamatory ideas to people who otherwise might not appreciate such a different opinion. Stay tuned to the blog... we've got a few more toons coming up in the future...

Thursday, February 15, 2007


This is another short flick about the things that are happening to our food supply without our awareness.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Spy Chips: Electronic Surveillance That is Happening NOW

It's rather obvious that corporations like to keep a lot of secrets from consumers, and this is just another one, that just happened to get out. I've been trying to explain these things to my friends for a long time now, so hopefully this video will help them to understand this fact a little bit more. Creepy...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Child Labour and Your Clothing

This is a video about a girl who sews Hanes products. In the film, she is interviewed and asked questions about working conditions in her factory. Many of us would rather ignore the fact that a child on the other side of the world pays the hard price for our good life, our easy deals at Walmart and Zellers, but this is the case.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Genetically Modified Foods...

This is an older video from a CBC newscast that explores the idea of GMO foods, and our awareness of them. Canada's relationship with these corporate seed giants such as Monsanto and Syngenta is rather close, and these companies have insinuated themselves not only in our farms, and on our kitchen tables, but also in our schools. Currently they use their profits to fund research at some of our most prestigious universities, including UBC.

If this little news bit is not enough information for you, get a hold of the film, "The Future of Food", and independent flick which is a must see for anyone concerned with what they're putting in their mouths.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

What Iraqis Think About Americans...

As a Canadian, I wonder what Afghani people would have to say about us?

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Obesity P.S.A

This is absolutely hilarious, and kudos to the obese man who helped in the making of this film...

And this is not to say that we endorse smoking - we don't - but it's definitely not the only serious social ailment that affects our society, as this little short helps to illustrate..

Friday, February 09, 2007

America: From Freedom to Fascism

We haven't added any new videos lately, but here's a good one if you have an hour or so. The subject matter is more applicable to Americans, but it can be appreciated and understood by all of us here in North America who are forced to pay taxes.
